On Thursday, April 4 International College of Economics and Finance held Microeconomics workshop with Marciano Siniscalchi.
On Thursday, March28 ICEF held the Research Seminar.
On Thursday, March 21 ICEF held the Research Seminar.
On Thursday, March 7 ICEF held the Research Seminar.
In his second year of studies, ICEF master’s degree student Denis Tetyuk joined the HSE-run academic mobility program. Now a student of Tilburg University in the Netherlands, he follows a learning path that includes, additionally to the course units at his home university, Corporate Financial Reporting, Data Sсienсe Methods, Financial Analysis and Investment Behavior. We asked Denis to share his impressions and why he chose Tilburg University

On Tuesday, February 19 ICEF/FES held the Research Seminar (JM)
On Monday, February 18 ICEF held the Research Seminar (JM)