ICEF Career Centre
A high-quality education isn’t the only prerequisite for professional success – you also have to learn how to plan your career effectively. That’s why ICEF’s Career Centre was created – to ensure that ICEF graduates are as competitive as possible both in the international jobs market and within the academic world.
Career Centre Functions
1. For Students
From the second year of the Bachelor’s Programme, ICEF starts to prepare students for employment (helping them to define a career path, industry, sprecialization, apply to a company and gain experience) and further study in Russia or abroad (assisting them in selecting a programme, completing applications, and preparing for exams).
2. For Employers
ICEF has an extensive network of contacts at many companies, financial institutions and governmental organisations, both in Russia and abroad. ICEF’s partners regularly hold presentations and master classes for students, as well as running optional courses and taking part in round-table discussions. All these activities allow students to get acquainted with companies corporate cultures and business processes, thereby helping them to choose a professional area and prepare a robust job application.
The best proof of ICEF’s impact is the achievements of our graduates. ICEF graduates are in high demand in the global job market – many of them are now embarking on hugely successful careers at leading companies in Russia and across the world. Others have founded their own business, and others still are working towards their PhD at leading universities, while teaching and conducting their own research projects. For more details, see the Alumni section.
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