International College of Economics and Finance


The First ICEF Conference in Applied Economics

Welcome Ceremony Held for Second Year ICEF Students in UoL International Programme

ICEF Research Seminar by Balazs Szentes (LSE)

Paper of S. Stepanov in The RAND Journal of Economics

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar by Gustavo Manso (Haas School of Business)

ICEF Graduates 2018 Show Top Results in University of London Exams

‘Experience cannot be taught, it can only be attained’

Tatyana Filatova graduated from ICEF in 2011 with a Master’s degree and immediately went to work at Sberbank’s Treasury Department. She now oversees how banking products are structured for individual clients at the bank. In the following interview, Tatyana tells us about what the Treasury Department actually does and how to successfully pass an interview over tea, as well as how to sell oneself to major firms while proudly remaining a financial expert.

«I Actively Use My HSE Lecture Notes at Work»

Sergey Kozlov graduated from the ICEF bachelor’s programme in 2006. After this, Sergey interned in Denmark at the company APV Heat Transfer, where he stayed on to work full-time. He began working at LEGO in 2009 and went on to represent the company in Prague, Budapest, and Moscow. He is currently the Operations Director at the company’s office in Seoul, South Korea, and is preparing to become the head of the Seoul office.

‘The main thing about the ICEF Bachelor’s programme is that it gives you the opportunity to think.’

Valeria Erokhina graduated this year from ICEF’s double-degree Bachelor’s programme. Before accomplishing this, she had already been approved by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development for the Eiffel Scholarship, which aims to attract the most talented international students to pursue Master’s and doctoral programmes in France. Valeria has already been admitted to the leading French business school Ecole des Hautes Commerciales du Nord (EDHEC Business School) for the Eiffel Scholarship and is getting ready for life in Nice. In the following interview, she describes what she expects from studying overseas, her future plans and what makes ICEF a unique place to study.

From Istanbul Bilgi University to ICEF HSE, Students Share Their Experiences

For Yiğit Tahmisoğlu, Süleyman Saltoğlu and Ekimhan Can – students from Istanbul Bilgi University – the opportunity to study in the HSE and University of London Double Degree Bachelor’s Programme in Economics has meant facing a number of challenges while simultaneously benefiting greatly from what the programme has to offer.