International College of Economics and Finance

ICEF Graduate and Lecturer Made It To Top 100 Young Russian Businessmen

Independent analytical center Institut Choiseul (France) presented its Top 100 Russian businessmen under 40, a rating list compiled as part of the project Choiseul 100 Russie.

According to the April edition of RBK+ Specialist Supplement, this rating features the brightest of the current generation of entrepreneurs aged under 40 who are making tangible contributions to the country’s needs to modernize economy. A counterpart of the annual rating that first emerged in France in 2013, the Russian version of the TOP 100 is designed to create a network of contacts of the best-performing young businessmen in different countries.

Among the rating entrants is Alexander Frolov, ICEF BSc degree holder (year 2009), founder and managing partner of Target Global venture fund; and Dzangir Dzhangirov, Senior Vice-President at Sberbank, Risk Management lecturer in ICEF MSc Programme.