On March 16, the rector decided to move all classes at HSE University online due to COVID-19. The largest universities in Russia and all over the world had to pull off the enormous feat of transitioning to online education immediately. As a result, the ongoing years-long discussions about the pros and cons of online education were put on pause. Academic supervisor of the ICEF bachelor’s programme, Oleg Zamkov, told us about how the ICEF has transitioned online, who can help when something goes wrong, and what resources will be necessary for online examinations.
ICEF Associate Professor Udara Peiris gives comments to Gazeta.ru
ICEF held a round table on Global Economy Challenges in 2020. Mr Thanassis Gontikas, Senior Vice-President of Edmond de Rothschild Bank (EdR) in Switzerland, was invited as a speaker.
Corporate financial statements can be quite subjective documents, because accounting rules are flexible and accountants often may use their discretion on how to report certain transactions. An article by ICEF Assistant Professor Sofya Budanova deals with this phenomenon.
Both teams will advance to the regional level competition, which will be held in Jordan in early April to demonstrate the skill of investment management on the international level.
On Tuesday, February 18 ICEF held the Job Market Seminar.
On Tuesday, February 11 ICEF held the Job Market Seminar.
On Thursday, February 6 ICEF held the Job Market Seminar.
The University of London (UoL) has completed its task of monitoring the performance of Teaching Centres that operate under the Teaching Centres Recognition Framework. Upon consideration of the information gathered, the performance achieved by International College of Economics and Finance has been rated as excellent.
On Wednesday, February 5 ICEF held the Job Market Seminar.