International College of Economics and Finance


Research seminar by Andrei Shevchenko (Michigan State University): «Globalization and Firm Level Adjustment with Imperfect Labor Markets»

Roman Zakharenko at the 10th World Congress of the Econometric Society in Shanghai

August 18, 2010 Roman Zakharenko, Assistant Professor of the International College of Economics and Finance, presented his research “Children versus Ideas: an 'Influential' Theory of Demographic Transition" at the 10th World Congress of the Econometric Society in Shanghai.

ICEF International Research Laboratory in Financial Economics

On June 25, 2010 the Academic Council of SU-HSE approved the establishment of International Research Laboratory in Financial Economics (ILFE) at ICEF, created jointly with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). >>

ICEF Research seminar

The visit of the Thai delegation to ICEF

June 22, 2010 the delegation of the Secretariat of the Senate of the National Assembly of the kingdom of Thailand visited ICEF.

Research seminar by Alex Boulatov (University of Houston): «Pricing Prices»

Joint research seminar in economics by Peter Skott (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) and Stephane Auray (Universites Lille Nord de France (ULCO)).

Research seminar by Subal Kumbhakar (State University of New York – Binghamton): «Primal Production Models: A Synthesis of Specification and Estimation Issues»

Research seminar in Finance by Branko Urošević: "On The Spillover of Exchange-Rate Risk Into Default Risk"

Research seminar in Finance by Joseph Fung: «First Day Return and Underpricing Cost in Advance Payment Initial Public Offerings»