International College of Economics and Finance


LSE Director Howard Davies at ICEF 2010

On November 29, 2010 ICEF was honoured by a visit of one of the most distinguished experts in economics and finance in the world, LSE Director Howard Davies. This is the third visit of H. Davies for 3 years and, simultaneously, for the 13-year history of ICEF.

The 9th Biennial Providers' meeting

November 23-24, 2010 the Singapore Institute of Management hosted the 9-th Biennial Providers' meeting. The conference was held under the slogan «Communication, Collaboration, Change»

S. Yakovlev and D. Lockshin on the 2nd QS-APPLE Conference in Singapore

November 17-19, 2010 the 6-th QS-APPLE conference (Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education Conference), organized by QS - the creator of one of the most popular rankings of universities in the world, took place in Singapore.

Research Seminar by Sergey Popov (University of Illinois): «Learning to Love Money»

Research seminar by Mihail Zervos (LSE): «Buy-low and sell-high investment strategies»

Research seminar by Chaim Fershtman (Tel Aviv University): «Working hard or working smart?»

Research seminar by Roman Chuhay (HSE, ICEF): «Marketing via Friends: Strategic Diffusion of Information in Social Networks with Homophily»

Research seminar by Alexey Savvateev (NES): «Games with elimination»

Distinguished Research seminar by Irina Denisova (CEFIR and NES): «Adult mortality in Russia: a microanalysis»

LSE Professor Christopher Pissarides received the Nobel Prize

On October,11 professor of the London School of Economics Christopher Pissarides received the Nobel Prize in Economics 2010, jointly with Peter Diamond and Dale Mortensen, for the study of methods of market analysis.