International College of Economics and Finance


Joint research seminar in economics by Peter Skott (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) and Stephane Auray (Universites Lille Nord de France (ULCO)).

Research seminar by Subal Kumbhakar (State University of New York – Binghamton): «Primal Production Models: A Synthesis of Specification and Estimation Issues»

Research seminar in Finance by Branko Urošević: "On The Spillover of Exchange-Rate Risk Into Default Risk"

Research seminar in Finance by Joseph Fung: «First Day Return and Underpricing Cost in Advance Payment Initial Public Offerings»

Research seminar in Finance by Mikhail Chernov: «Disasters implied by equity index options»

Research seminar in Finance by Ratanov Nikita: “An option pricing model based on jump telegraph processes”

Honorable seminar “The Finnish Great Depression: From Russia With Love” by Yuriy Gorodnichenko

Distinguished lecture "The Right Amount of Trust" by professor Luigi Guiso

Distinguished lecture "The Right Amount of Trust" by professor Luigi Guiso took place on Monday, April 5, 2010.
Video version is available for watching.

Research seminar in Finance by Dean Fantazzini (MSE and HSE): "The effects of misspecified frequency, severity and dependence function modeling on operational risk measures"

Research seminar by Filippo Balestrieri (Hewlett-Packard): "The Market for Surprises: Selling Substitute Goods through Lotteries"