International College of Economics and Finance


LSE ICEF project - update

In January, LSE organised a reception for the director of the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF), Sergey Yakovlev. The reception was hosted by LSE pro-director Janet Hartley and was attended by a large number of ICEF alumni studying or working in London.
Read more in the new edition of the LSE Staff News >>

Mari-Ann Betschinger on the Conference on Diversification of the Russian Economy

On February 3 - 4 Marie-Ann Betschinger attended the Conference on Diversification of the Russian Economy at the EBRD in London.
Marie-Ann Betschinger presented her joint work with Olivier Bertrand, SPbSU-GSOM/ University of Toulouse on Russian M&A and performance effects: "Performance of domestic and cross-border acquisitions: Empirical evidence from Russian acquirers"Conference programme >>

ICEF alumni reunion in London 2011

Research seminar by Olga Kuzmina (Columbia University): «Innovation and Foreign Ownership»

Alumni Reunion at ICEF 2010

Research seminar by Alexei Parakhonyak (HSE and ICEF): «Consumer search with costly second visits»

Research seminar by Yuri Khoroshilov (University of Ottawa): «Preemptive Bidding in Takeover Auctions: An Experimental Study»

LSE Director Howard Davies at ICEF 2010

On November 29, 2010 ICEF was honoured by a visit of one of the most distinguished experts in economics and finance in the world, LSE Director Howard Davies. This is the third visit of H. Davies for 3 years and, simultaneously, for the 13-year history of ICEF.

The 9th Biennial Providers' meeting

November 23-24, 2010 the Singapore Institute of Management hosted the 9-th Biennial Providers' meeting. The conference was held under the slogan «Communication, Collaboration, Change»

S. Yakovlev and D. Lockshin on the 2nd QS-APPLE Conference in Singapore

November 17-19, 2010 the 6-th QS-APPLE conference (Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education Conference), organized by QS - the creator of one of the most popular rankings of universities in the world, took place in Singapore.