Seminar on the topic “Labor market and search through personal contacts” presented by ICEF associate professor Roman Chuhay >>
Speaker: Daniel Houser (George Mason University)
Theme: «Emergent Star Networks with Ex Ante Homogeneous Agents» (joint with Rong Rong)
Theme: «Emergent Star Networks with Ex Ante Homogeneous Agents» (joint with Rong Rong)
Speaker: E. Kwan Choi (Iowa State University)
Theme: «Profits and Losses from Currency Intervention»
Theme: «Profits and Losses from Currency Intervention»
Speaker: Bart Taub (Durham University)
Theme: «Inconspicuousness and obfuscation: How large shareholders dynamically manipulate output and information for trading purposes»
Theme: «Inconspicuousness and obfuscation: How large shareholders dynamically manipulate output and information for trading purposes»
Speaker: Anna Obizhaeva (University of Maryland)
Theme: «Trading Game Invariance in the TAQ Dataset»
Theme: «Trading Game Invariance in the TAQ Dataset»
A team of ICEF MSc students entered the top five teams (out of 2535 teams) in the championship of the business cases BNP Paribas Ace Manager! >>
March 19-24, 2012 the 46th Annual Conference of IATEFL took place in Glasgow (UK) >>
March 14-17, 2012 Professor of the London Metropolitan University and the LSE Amos Witztum visited ICEF.
Interview with Professor Witztum >>
Interview with Professor Witztum >>