International College of Economics and Finance


The First International Moscow Finance Conference

November 18-19, 2011 the Higher School of Economics (HSE) hosted the First International Moscow Finance Conference, organized by the International Laboratory in Financial Economics (LFE) and ICEF >>

Research seminar by Grigory Vilkov(Goethe University): «Measuring Equity Risk with Option-Implied Correlations»

Research seminar by Bart Taub (Durham University): «Does the dearth of mergers mean more competition?»

Research seminar by Giovanna Nicodano ( University of Torino): «Intercorporate guarantees, leverage and taxes»

ICEF: a successful history of educational cooperation

Interview with the professor Jonathan Kydd, the Dean of the University of London International Programmes >>

Research seminar by Nick Vikander (University of Edinburgh): «TEAM-BASED INCENTIVES IN PROBLEM-SOLVING ORGANIZATIONS»

New achievements of ICEF students

Research seminar by Yuri Khoroshilov (University of Ottawa): «Signalling in Takeover Auctions with Flexible Reserve Price»

The results of the main competition for the Oxford scholarship (2011/2012 academic year)

Dear students!
Congratulations on your victory in the main competition for the Oxford scholarship, granted by the Oxford Russia Fund (ORF)!

Reserch seminar by Andrew Rhodes (University of Oxford): «Small switching costs are pro-competitive»