International College of Economics and Finance


The first meeting of the LSE.ICEF International Academic Advisory Board

The first meeting of the LSE.ICEF International Academic Advisory Board (IAAB), which was established a year earlier in accordance with the current Contract between the HSE and the LSE, took place in London on 23 January 2012. >>

ICEF alumni reunion in London 2012

January 23, 2012 the London School of Economics (LSE) and ICEF organized the evening of reunion for ICEF alumni who successfully completed the University of London International Programmes, coordinated by the LSE, and now continue their education or work in London. >>

Research seminar by Ralph De Haas (EBRD): «Running for the Exit: International Bank Lending During a Financial Crisis»

Research seminar by Boris Gershman (Brown University): «The Two Sides of Envy»

Research seminar by Ksenia Panidi (Université Libre de Bruxelles): «Ostrich Effect in Health Care Decisions: Theory and Empirical Evidence»

Research seminar by Dmitriy Muravyev (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): «Order Flow and Expected Option Returns»

Research seminar by Oleg Chuprinin: «Information Disclosure in Corporate Press Releases: Implications for Stock Momentum and Volatility»

Research seminar by Udara Peiris (University of Warwick): «On the Limitations of Monetary Policy»

Research seminar by Jean Gabszewicz (Universit´e catholique de Louvain): "Competition in the media and advertising markets"

Research seminar by Armen Arakelyan (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): «Liquidity in Credit Default Swap Markets»