International College of Economics and Finance

Carsten Sprenger at Copenhagen Business School

    The lecturer of finance at ICEF Carsten Sprenger has been invited to participate in the Workshop on Corporate Governance at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), 19-20 June, 2009. This workshop has been organized by the Center for Corporate Governance at CBS.

    25 economists from various European and North American universities presented their work, among them famous researchers in the field of corporate governance, such as Mark Roe (Harvard University), Randall Morck (University of Alberta), and Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes Molina (EDHEC Business School). The workshop covered topics such as the structure of corporate boards, firms and families, shareholder conflicts, bank governance, and international corporate governance. Carsten Sprenger presented his paper “The Effects of Shareholder Disagreement” and provided a discussion for the paper Marginal q in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Sweden presented by Per-Olof Bjuggren.

Program of the workshop