International College of Economics and Finance

LSE external examiners at ICEF

In early July several LSE representatives visited ICEF  - Richard Jackman , ICEF Project Director at the LSE, and LSE external examiners - Christian Julliard (Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, LSE) and  Margaret Bray ( Reader in Economics, Department of Economics, LSE). The main purpose of this visit was an independent external evaluation of the implementation of ICEF Masters programme “Financial economics”. >>

During the visit Christian Julliard and Margaret Bray assessed examination papers of ICEF MSc students of the 1st and 2nd year, communicated with teachers of MSc programme, and also held two informal meetings with MSc students. The students openly discussed with the external examiners the curriculum of the programme, expressed their wishes to improve the course, shared their problems and talked about plans for the future.