International College of Economics and Finance


Joint ICEF and Moscow Mathematical Research Seminar by Jörgen W. Weibull (SSE): "Robust set-valued solutions in games"

Research Seminar by Rohit Rahi (LSE): "Arbitrage Networks"

Research Seminar by Murat Kirdar (Midle East Technical University): "Estimating the Impact of Immigrants on the Host Country Social Security System when Return Migration is an Endogenous Choice"

Research Seminar by Fuad Aleskerov (HSE): "Context-dependent choice"

Distinguished lectures by professor Oded Stark

Research Seminar by Oleg Shchetinin (Toulouse School of Economics): "Two-Sided market with Spillover: Modeling a City"

Research Seminar by Irina Suleymanova (DIW Berlin): "Beef Up Your Competitor: A Model of Advertising Cooperation between Internet Search Engines"

Carsten Sprenger at a workshop in Edinburgh

Carsten Sprenger has presented his paper "The Choice of Ownership Structure: Evidence from Russian Mass Privatization" at a workshop on Firm-Level Data Analysis in Transition and Developing Economies that took place on April 23-24 in Edinburgh.

Research seminar by Ruben Enikolopov (NES): “Politicians, Bureaucrats and Targeted Redistribution: the Role of Career Concerns”

Research seminar by Jorn Rothe (LSE): “Applications of non-expected utility theory to game theory”