The 9th Biennial Providers' meeting
November 23-24, 2010 the Singapore Institute of Management hosted the 9-th Biennial Providers' meeting. The conference was held under the slogan «Communication, Collaboration, Change», that is reminiscent of the University of London development of new forms of cooperation and approaches to its programmes, within the framework of which ICEF, one of the first and the best, became Affiliate Centre of the University of London International Programmes.ICEF was represented by the deputy Director O. Zamkov, who made a presentation about ICEF programmes and directions of ICEF development, as well as led the session on the development of international student exchanges and the use of electronic resources in the learning process. The demonstration of possibilities, contents and prospects of development of ICEF information system compared with the University of London system VLE, aroused great interest of participants and lively discussion. A number of universities of Singapore, Malaysia, Turkey and other countries expressed serious interest in the organization of student exchanges between the providers.
At the conference the following issues were presented and discussed: new structure of the University of London BSc study programmes, which will come into force in 2011, expansion of feedback from the University of London in respect of providers, including - in the form of electronic resources, quality control of providers’ activities and their provision of various types of resources. After that the working groups discussed all these issues and made the presentations on the results of the discussions at the plenary session. The results were then commented by the representatives of the University of London and the London School of Economics, headed by the Director of LSE International Programmes Rosie Gosling.
The Conference was attended by more than 30 universities-providers, mostly from Asia but also from Europe, South Africa and Australia. Collaboration and discussion at the Conference will help to understand better the challenges and needs of students and teachers of the University of London International Programmes, to establish horizontal links and contacts between them.