S. Yakovlev and D. Lockshin on the 2nd QS-APPLE Conference in Singapore
November 17-19, 2010 the 6-th QS-APPLE conference (Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education Conference), organized by QS - the creator of one of the most popular rankings of universities in the world, took place in Singapore.
At the conference were presented universities from all over the world: Australia, Hong Kong, China, India, Mexico, UAE, Thailand, South Korea and others. From the presentations it was clear how important are the international contacts, double degrees, academic mobility and the attraction of the best applicants from around the world in today's higher education.
ICEF Director Sergey Yakovlev and deputy Director Jeffrey Lockshin were the only representatives from Russia speaking at the conference. They presented a report "The role of a transnational relationship in achieving high academic performance", which summarized the experience of ICEF in achieving high academic performance. At the international examinations ICEF students receive grades that exceed average grades of all other students in the world (about 20000 students). In 2010, 18 ICEF graduates (out of 80) were awarded first class honours diplomas of the University of London, at that only 110 graduates (out of several thousand) from all over the world received first class honours diplomas.
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