ICEF alumni reunion in London 2011
January 17, 2011 London School of Economics and ICEF organized the evening of reunion for ICEF alumni who successfully completed the University of London International Programmes, coordinated by the London School of Economics, and now continue their education or work in London.
The meeting was attended by the LSE representatives: Pro-Director of the LSE Janet Hartley, ICEF Project Director at the LSE Richard Jackman, the senior academic adviser Amos Witztum. ICEF Director Sergei Yakovlev also arrived at the reception in honor of alumni.
Professors Christian Julliard, Pascal Frantz, Dominic Lieven, Neil Mclean, Brian Eales, Erik Eyster, Jack Favilukis, Chris Dougherty also came to talk to ICEF alumni.
The evening began with welcome speeches of J. Hartley, R. Jackman and A. Witztum, S.Yakovlev and the LSE professors to ICEF alumni.
And then ... unceasing hum of voices, sharing news, success in studies and career, happy smile when meeting up with old friends.
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