International College of Economics and Finance


Property assembly: Using science to get condo unit owners and developers to be friends

Property assembly: Using science to get condo unit owners and developers to be friends
In his recently published study, Roman Zakharenko, an Associate Professor at ICEF, comes up with a way to improve urban economy. He offers a solution to the never-ending conflict around ageing condos that are targets for redevelopment. We asked Roman to tell more about his solution, why multi-storey neighborhoods are doomed and how urban life is affected by vertical systems of power.

ICEF Master's Programme Included in Top-100 of QS Business Masters Rankings

ICEF Master's Programme Included in Top-100 of QS Business Masters Rankings
MSc in Financial Economics, offered by ICEF, has been ranked 89th out of 166 programmes. In total, five HSE programmes were included in the QS Business Rankings this year.

Paper of Emiliano Catonini in Review of Economic Studies

New gender roles, migration as a way of COVID treatment and unemployment benefits that will not discourage work

New gender roles, migration as a way of COVID treatment and unemployment benefits that will not discourage work
On September 12 the Third ICEF Conference on Applied Economics on COVID-19 was held online. Experts from Europe and the USA presented their latest research, made some social-economic forecasts and revealed issues, that different countries will face in a short-run perspective. Below read about some of the conclusions and predictions that researchers have made.

"Multinational employers do look at Education section on a resume"

"Multinational employers do look at Education section on a resume"
Foreign investment plays a huge role in how quickly Russian businesses will recover from the dragging illness they are plagued by. Acting as providers of investment centralized service is the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). According to its Senior Vice President of Investment, Mikhail Kireev, HSE FES BSc and ICEF MSc programme graduate, the Fund pursues social returns by currently providing capital to the vaccine development efforts. In this interview to Success Builder, Mikhail shares what RDIF values most in HSE graduates, how it spots investment worthy objects, where to do an international degree when borders are being closed, and what global education is about.

'Every Researcher Needs a Department That Keeps Believing in Them'

'Every Researcher Needs a Department That Keeps Believing in Them'
Hundreds of scholars from all over the world teach and conduct research at HSE University. At the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) alone there are more than 30 researchers who hold PhDs from universities outside Russia. One of them is Emiliano Catonini, who completed his second research project this year and is now preparing it for publication. He spoke with the HSE News Service about getting students to put their phones away during lecture, surviving academia, trading energy for economics, and falling in love with Moscow winters.

Udara Peiris meets Faces & Cases: What the 'second wave' means, what is the global labour and education markets forecast

Udara Peiris meets Faces & Cases: What the 'second wave' means, what is the global labour and education markets forecast
ICEF Associate Professor Udara Peiris met with the Changellenge project Faces & Cases to discuss higher education, Russian students and academic careers. He is building now a macroeconomic model that will help different countries assess the economic impact of the pandemic. In an interview Udara spoke about how world processes have changed as a result of the COVID-19 phenomenon, about the probability of a currency crisis and the financial prospects of the average family.

New Inequality, Environmental Impact and Other Consequences of the Coronavirus Pandemic: III ICEF Conference on Applied Economics Focuses on COVID-19

New Inequality, Environmental Impact and Other Consequences of the Coronavirus Pandemic: III ICEF Conference on Applied Economics Focuses on COVID-19
This year, the ICEF Conference on Applied Economics will be held online for the first time ever. On September 12, experts from around the world will discuss the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the global economy. The HSE News Services describes the papers that will be presented and why the organizers decided to devote this event to COVID-19.

In-Person Instruction, Mask Regime, and Temperature Checks

In-Person Instruction, Mask Regime, and Temperature Checks
The COVID-19 prevention measures HSE University is implementing in the new academic year

‘You just need to aspire to become better, and by that I mean better than yourself’

‘You just need to aspire to become better, and by that I mean better than yourself’
Yury Kiselev graduated from ICEF in 2006, and after that entered the MSc programme at Cass Business School in London – one of the best business schools. Now Yury is a Director at Société Générale Bank (London office) and Head of Central and Eastern Europe, CIS & Russia on the international Debt Capital Markets. In this interview he told us what ‘bonus’ ICEF confers on its graduates, how to recognize your true purpose and why goals should be ‘over the top’.