International College of Economics and Finance


HSE University Leads Russian Universities in THE Subject Rankings

HSE University Leads Russian Universities in THE Subject Rankings
HSE University is the top-ranking Russian university in four THE World University Rankings by Subject 2020/21. In addition, HSE has placed in 8 out of 11 subject categories, thereby confirming its status as a multidisciplinary university.

'One great thing about careers in academia is freedom'

'One great thing about careers in academia is freedom'
In October 2020, ICEF Associate Professor Sergey Stepanov had his article accepted for publication in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. It explores how a career concerned agent’s performance can be evaluated in the most optimal way. In this interview, Sergey shares his experience of doing a PhD in Brussels, why economics is an inexhaustible source of research ideas, and how principals can achieve better personnel management practices from a scientific perspective.

Best ICEF 2020 Students to Study at the LSE Summer School

Best ICEF 2020 Students to Study at the LSE Summer School
Every year ICEF rewards the most successful students with a visit to the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Summer School. Since it was impossible to travel to London in summer 2020 due to travel restrictions relating to the Covid-19 pandemic, some students took the opportunity to study at LSE online. In 2021, the best 1st and 2nd year undergraduate students will study at the LSE Summer School, as usual.

Results of the 2019-2020 academic year (ICEF Bachelor's program): a record

Results of the 2019-2020 academic year (ICEF Bachelor's program): a record
The past academic year was not easy, but in the end, it brought outstanding achievements, grades and degrees to students of the HSE and University of London ICEF double degree programme. This year's figures are almost double the previous records.

ICEF Academia has welcomed its new class

ICEF Academia has welcomed its new class
It’s a fact that ICEF students are awarded two degrees when they graduate. There is, however, a third school many of them attend along with HSE and The University of London – ICEF Academia. Offering a programme of advanced courses, research opportunities, discussion venues and academic career guidance, ICEF Academia traditionally hosts welcome meetings and the year 2020 was not an exception. This year’s event was held online and here is how it went.

Pure science: How academic tourism moved online to researchers’ satisfaction

Pure science: How academic tourism moved online to researchers’ satisfaction
On October 23-24, the International Moscow Finance Conference will open its doors for the ninth time, organized by ICEF in cooperation with the London School of Economics. This year’s speakers include editors of two major economic journals. We talked to Alexei Boulatov, ICEF Full Professor to find out how the quality of scientific events has been influenced by online format, how academic life has changed over the recent months and what themes the research community pursues these days.

Publication in The Review of Economic Studies

Publication in The Review of Economic Studies
An article by ICEF Associate Professor Emiliano Catonini "Self-enforcing agreements and forward induction reasoning" is published in The Review of Economic Studies - one of the top 5 journals in economics. Professor Catonini became the first HSE researcher, whose work was published there

‘A person that works in education must study all the time’

‘A person that works in education must study all the time’
Diana Kolesnikova graduated from ICEF BSc programme in 2011 and went to apply her mathematical skills in unusual fields – education and psychology. Her project called “obraz zhizny” (Russian for “way of life”) received the HSE Alumni Award in 2020 in the “philanthropist” category. In the interview Diana tells us how the right environment helps in studies, why it is important to try out different occupations, what the reasons to study graduates’ experience are, and how it is important not to be afraid to show your opinion to make the university better.

Property assembly: Using science to get condo unit owners and developers to be friends

Property assembly: Using science to get condo unit owners and developers to be friends
In his recently published study, Roman Zakharenko, an Associate Professor at ICEF, comes up with a way to improve urban economy. He offers a solution to the never-ending conflict around ageing condos that are targets for redevelopment. We asked Roman to tell more about his solution, why multi-storey neighborhoods are doomed and how urban life is affected by vertical systems of power.

ICEF Master's Programme Included in Top-100 of QS Business Masters Rankings

ICEF Master's Programme Included in Top-100 of QS Business Masters Rankings
MSc in Financial Economics, offered by ICEF, has been ranked 89th out of 166 programmes. In total, five HSE programmes were included in the QS Business Rankings this year.