The first meeting of the LSE.ICEF International Academic Advisory Board
The first meeting of the LSE.ICEFI nternational Academic Advisory Board (IAAB), which was established a year earlier in accordance with the current Contract between the HSE and the LSE, took place in London on 23 January 2012.
The following distinguished academics accepted the invitation to become the members of the IAAB:
- • Dr. Margaret Bray, LSE, Reader in Economics
- • Prof. Janet Hartley, LSE, Professor of International History, Pro Director for Teaching and Learning
- • Prof. Maarten Janssen, University of Vienna, Professor of Microeconomics
- • Dr. Christian Julliard, LSE, Lecturer in Finance
- • Prof. Richard Layard (honorary member), LSE, Emeritus Professor of Economics
- • Dr. Julia Shvets, University of Cambridge, Senior Lecturer in Economics
- • Dr. Dimitrios Tsomocos, Oxford University, Reader in Financial Economics and Fellow in Management
- • Prof. Amos Witztum, London Metropolitan University, Professor of Economics
Members of the ICEF IAC also participated in the meeting.
The IAAB discussed the objectives, main results and problems in implementation of ICEF Development Programme, possible directions of ICEF future development and LSE academic involvement.
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