Research seminar by Ralph De Haas (EBRD): «Running for the Exit: International Bank Lending During a Financial Crisis»
On Thursday, January 26 at 4.40 pm International College of Economics and Finance held Research seminar.
Speaker: Ralph De Haas (EBRD)
Theme: «Running for the Exit: International Bank Lending During a Financial Crisis»
Venue: Pokrovski Bulvar, 11, Room Zh-822
Abstact: The global financial crisis has reignited the debate about the risks of financial globalization, in particular the instability of cross-border lending. We use loan-level data on lending by the largest international banks to their various countries of operation to examine why banks reduced lending more to some countries than to others during the 2008-09 crisis. The use of country- and bank-fixed effects allows us to disentangle credit supply and demand and to control for general bank characteristics. We find that banks continued to lend more to countries that are geographically close, where they are integrated into a network of domestic co-lenders, and where they have more lending experience. This suggests that banks’ ability to generate information about new clients and to use and exploit information about existing borrowers contributes to lending stability during a crisis.
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