International College of Economics and Finance


ICEF/LFE Research Seminar by Pasquale Della Corte (Imperial College London)

On Friday, February 26 at 2 pm ICEF and LFE held the Research Seminar in Finance.
Speaker: Pasquale Della Corte (Imperial College London)
Theme: "Macro Uncertainty and Currency Premia" co-authored with Aleksejs Krecetovs

ICEF Assistant Professor Vladimir Sokolov addresses an HSE film screening

Paper of R. Zakharenko in the Mathematical Social Sciences

Job market seminars

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar by Dimitrios Tsomocos (University of Oxford)

On February 11 at 12 pm ICEF and LFE held the Research Seminar in Finance.
Speaker: Dimitrios Tsomocos (University of Oxford)
Theme: "Debt, Recovery Rates and the Greek Dilemma"

Meet ICEF HSE Visiting Professor Dimitrios Tsomocos, Oxford

Honorary lecture by Professor Lawrence (Larry) Kotlikoff

Interview with ICEF Graduates key employers - A.T. Kearney

ICEF Career Centre is actively working with a number of leading consulting firms - ICEF Graduates key employers. In addition to career events they organize on campus, these firms also participate in various ICEF initiatives. We are grateful to those of them giving us feedback and answering questions, which are of interest to our students and recent graduates. We have formulated key questions and asked partners from some of the leading consulting firms to answer them.This week we are publishing the response to questionnaire by an A.T. Kearney partner – Boris Poretsky. More - to come.

Alumni Reunion at ICEF 2015

Research Seminar by Alexey Kushnir (Carnegie Mellon University)

On Thursday, December 17 at 4.40 pm ICEFwill hold the Research Seminar.
Speaker: Alexey Kushnir (Carnegie Mellon University)
Theme: "A Geometric Approach to Mechanism Design"