International College of Economics and Finance


Paper of A. Dementiev and A. Loboyko in the Research in Transportation Economics

Short course on Public Speaking

Udara Peiris about his recent publications in The HSE Look

The HSE Look congratulated Udara Peiris on the acceptance of his articles and wished him further success in his academic endeavors.

“ICEF Master’s programme trains you well for doing a PhD abroad”

Maria Kurakina studied on the ICEF Bachelor’s programme as well as on the Master’s programmes, and this year entered the PhD programme in Finance at the University of California, Berkeley. In her interview she talks about her studies at ICEF, her academic interests and what one should do to become a PhD student of the top American university.

"Role of individuals in My Life Story"

Denis has studied BSc Mathematics in Economics at NRU-HSE Nizhny Novgorod, and after that entered the ICEF Master’s programme. In his interview he explains how he made that decision, talks about his work in Merrill Lynch and shares his opinion regarding the difference between Russian and European investment banks.

A Great Chance of Going Global

January 28 saw the launch of a Kickstarter project developed by graduates from the HSE’s International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF). Alexandra Zhdanova graduated from ICEF in 2008. She is currently working at McKinsey, while also developing her Jungle Bowl project – an idea she came up with while studying at INSEAD. Jungle Bowl has already received support from business schools, and on January 28, a fundraising campaign for it launched on Kickstarter.

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar, Daniele Siena (Banque De France)

On Thursday, January 22 at 4.40 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF and LFE held the Research Seminar in Finance.
Speaker: Daniele Siena (Banque De France)
Theme: "The European Monetary Union and Imbalances: Is it an Anticipation Story?"

I owe ICEF an eternal debt and HSE my deepest gratitude

Andrei Kaplan, ICEF graduate, is currently studying for an MA at MIT. In this interview, he considers what he learned at HSE, how that helped prepare him for taking on a demanding postraduate course in a foreign country, and how US and Russian approaches to education — and jobseeking after graduation — vary.

Research Seminar by Mariya Teteryatnikova (University of Vienna)

On Thursday, January 15 at 4.40 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF held the Research Seminar.
Speaker: Mariya Teteryatnikova  (University of Vienna)
Theme: "Stability of Networks with Continuous Stream of Payoffs: A Theory and Experiment"

Paper of U. Peiris in Economic Theory