Honorary lecture by Professor Hans-Werner Sinn
On May 11 ICEF hosted an honorary lecture by Professor Hans-Werner Sinn on "The real side of the Euro crisis".
Abstract: The euro caused an inflationary credit bubble in Southern Europe that deprived the inflicted countries from their competiveness. The lecture discusses the difficult policy choices available to the states of Europe and the ECB that would help getting the South out of its troubles and rescue the euro.
Hans-Werner Sinn (* 7 March 1948) is Professor emeritus for Economics and Public Finance at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and was President of the Ifo Institute, Director of the Center for Economic Studies (CES) and Executive Director of CESifo GmbH until March, 2016. Under his presidency, the Ifo Institute has become one of Europe's leading think-tanks in the field of economics. Sinn is known to the general public for his books on economic policy, which include: Jumpstart, Can Germany Be Saved?, Die Basar-Ökonomie, The Green Paradox, Casino Capitalism, and The Euro Trap. His main research interests are taxation, the environment, growth and exhaustible resources, risk theory, climate and energy, banking, demography and social security, macroeconomics and systemic competition. His research results have been published in the American Economic Review, the Journal of Public Economics and the Quarterly Journal of Economics, amongst many others.
For the British newspaper The Independent, Sinn’s research into the European payment system made him one of the ten most important people who changed the world in 2011. He ranked top of the WirtschaftsWoche’s list of “Most Important Economists” and was the only German to feature in Bloomberg’s ranking of the top 50 personalities in business worldwide in 2012. The ranking of economists of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) named him "Germany's most influential economist” both in 2014 and 2015, arguing that "no other economics researcher in Germany has such a high profile in the media and politics and is also active in research."
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