Антон Самокиш, третьекурсник МИЭФ, стал победителем Универсиады по эконометрике 2024 года. Международная олимпиада для студентов бакалавриата и специалитета и выпускников вузов ежегодно собирает участников из ведущих вузов России и других стран. Антон рассказывает об учебе в МИЭФ, подготовке к Универсиаде по эконометрике и планах на будущее.
On May 22, ICEF HSE hosted a delegation from the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics’ Research Institute of Economics and Management (RIEM SWUFE) in Chengdu, China, led by RIEM Executive Dean Professor Dong Yan.
Egor Malakhov, who is in his second year of study at ICEF and currently on exchange at China’s Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), shares his travel notes and impressions of studying and living in China.
Подведены итоги Второго (очного) тура Международной Универсиады по эконометрике 2024 года, которая ежегодно проходит в МГУ им.М.В.Ломоносова. Одним из победителей Универсиады стал студент 3 курса МИЭФ Антон Самокиш. Поздравляем Антона с блестящей победой и желаем ему дальнейших успехов в учебе и профессии!
HSE University and the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) have signed a cooperation agreement to jointly offer an undergraduate double-degree programme in economics and finance. Within this collaboration, HSE ICEF is partnering with the SWUFE Research Institute of Economics and Management (RIEM), founded in 2006 as a premier research institution and provider of economics and finance education meeting high international standards.
Anatoly Aksakov did a talk to HSE students about the prospects before Russia’s financial markets.
Currently in his second year at ICEF, Grigory shares about how many hours he works while studying, his personal achievement he’s most proud of, and what summer study options there are for ICEF students.
ICEF’s ten best performing undergraduates and MSc students will be able to join the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) RIEM Global Academy Summer School in Chengdu fully covered by ICEF. These students top the 2022-2023 rating and have shown outstanding progress in the intellectually intensive programme ICEF Academia.