International College of Economics and Finance


Interview with Nina Ryabichenko, Executive Director at Sber AI, Who Did Her Undergraduate and Graduate Studies at ICEF and Still Stays Connected to Her Alma Mater

Nina Ryabichenko earned her bachelor’s from ICEF in 2009 and her master’s in 2011
Nina Ryabichenko, a member of the ICEF bachelor’s class of 2009 and the master’s class of 2011, is now a teacher at her alma mater.

Big celebration! ICEF Held the Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor’s and Master’s Class of 2024

HSE ICEF Graduation Ceremony 2024
Hosted in HSE Cultural Center, the ceremony welcomed in its crowded hall 200+ graduates who were joined by their parents, faculty, leaders of HSE and ICEF, and guests.

Promoting the Academic and Research Cooperation Prospects with China: ICEF Delegation Visits China’s Top Universities

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The HSE delegation bound for the partner universities in Hangzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai had among its membersVladimir Sokolov, Head of ICEF Laboratory of Financial Economics, and Olga Nizhevich, ICEF MSc Programme Coordinator. The purpose of the visit was to discuss potential prospects for research cooperation, double degree programmes and student exchange.

Maxim Shirshov, Member of the ICEF Master’s Class of 2024, About ICEF: “Here You Can Feel the Spirit of Time-Honored Tradition”

Maxim Shirshov, member of the ICEF master’s class of 2024
Maxim Shirshov graduated from the ICEF Master of Financial Economics Programme in 2024. His portfolio features winning places in multiple academic contests and the undergraduate degree from HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Here’s what Maxim thinks about his student years and where he sees himself professionally.

Alexander Kovalenko: ICEF Is An Unfailing Provider of Quality. Looking Forward to Having Its Graduates and Senior Students OnboardAlexander Kovalenko: ICEF Is An Unfailing Provider of Quality. Looking Forward to Having Its Graduates and Senior Students Onboard

Alexander Kovalenko
ICEF master’s graduate Alexander Kovalenko serves as Key Accounts Director at SBER Key Accounts Division – Consumer Sector and Trade Department. We talked with Alexander to find out which courses he liked best as a student, what skills Sberbank is looking for in candidates, if Alexander has his personal recipe for success, and how extreme sports can drive manager effectiveness.

ICEF Students Embark on Summer Courses at China’s Top Universities

ICEF Students Embark on Summer Courses at China’s Top Universities

Yulia Atroshenko, ICEF Student and Keystone Co-Leader: Exams Can Be A Wonderful Experience at ICEF

Yulia Atroshenko, ICEF Student and Keystone Co-Leader: Exams Can Be A Wonderful Experience at ICEF

Maria Silkina: ICEF Is About Challenge, Demanding Study, and Enriching Communication

Maria Silkina: ICEF Is About Challenge, Demanding Study, and Enriching Communication
Meet Maria Silkina, a second-year master’s student and number one in ICEF student rating who successfully combines her student experience with a job on Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market and sports.

“Good for Deciding on Future Career” or How Traineeship at ICEF Went for Letovo School Students

“Good for Deciding on Future Career” or How Traineeship at ICEF Went for Letovo School Students

“I’m Doing a Student Exchange in China.” Part 2

Egor Malakhov is in his third year of study at ICEF and currently on exchange in China
Вторая часть путевых заметок студента 3 курса бакалавриата МИЭФ Егора Малахова, который сейчас завершает обучение в Юго-Западном финансово-экономическом университете (SWUFE), Китай, по программе студенческого обмена. Егор рассказывает о своих впечатлениях о жизни и учебе в Китае.Опыт Егора будет особенно интересен будущим студентам второго курса МИЭФ, которые прошли отбор на новую программу двух дипломов НИУ ВШЭ –SWUFE и уже в сентябре 2024 года поедут учиться в Китай, г. Чэнду.