International College of Economics and Finance


“Alma Mater Wants Us Back”

“Alma Mater Wants Us Back”
Alexander Usvitskiy, who earned his bachelor’s degree from HSE ICEF (class of 2013) and his PhD from the Florida State University (class of 2020), embarked on his teaching career at ICEF this past September. Here’s how these few months unfolded for Alexander in capacity of teacher, how he feels about his student years, and what projects he is working on today.

Congratulations to SRPC-2023 Winners

Congratulations to SRPC-2023 Winners
The HSE Student Research Paper Competition 2023 (SRPC) has announced its results. Among prize winners in the Finance category is Natalia Korsik, who holds her bachelor’s from ICEF.

ICEF, a Place That Feels Good To Come Back To

ICEF, a Place That Feels Good To Come Back To
For the graduates, faculty, staff and management of ICEF, the grand Pre-Christmas Meeting has become an indispensable part of New Year celebrations. A traditions established by ICEF over the years of its existence, it turns ICEF into an attractive place where the nation’s young leaders of finance, real economy and IT industry meet for a festive get-together.

ICEF Holds Winter Exam Period: In-House Traditions

ICEF Holds Winter Exam Period: In-House Traditions
ICEF students stay true to the good tradition of sitting their first winter examination – Accounting – dressed in New Year costumes.

ICEF Students on Exchange Semester in Shanghai Demonstrate Proficiency in Finance and Economic Theory

ICEF Students on Exchange Semester in Shanghai Demonstrate Proficiency in Finance and Economic Theory
The group of third-year students are back from their exchange in Shanghai University. One special challenge they experienced was that the English-taught courses they were due for in Shanghai constitute the master’s level there, whereas ICEF teaches them as part of bachelor’s degree. Doubting their capability to complete those courses with good results, the guys, however, proved highly competent, grasping new concepts and maintaining discussions just perfectly.

"Even a Short Trip Will Benefit All Aspects of Your Life"

"Even a Short Trip Will Benefit All Aspects of Your Life"
ICEF students have set up a group for traveling around Russia. With experiential travel as its main activity, the group believe that visiting new places is a great way to refresh the head from too much studying and restart creative muscles. The group have been to Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, and Lake Baikal. They plan to expand their route network and welcome new members to join them. Here are some of their impressions and how adventures and emotions can help reset the health of our brain.

“The Higher the Bar, the Higher the Result”: Maxim Shibanov About Studying at ICEF

“The Higher the Bar, the Higher the Result”: Maxim Shibanov About Studying at ICEF
Maxim Shibanov is in his first year of ICEF’s Master of Financial Economics programme. Maxim knows how to stay motivated when you are a humanities major working toward an academically demanding economics degree. A top graduate of Saint Petersburg State University, Maxim majors in political science but chose to change his field soon after graduation. He moved to Moscow and started his master’s studies at the International College of Economics and Finance. Maxim says he’s never regretted his choice despite having to study nine hours a day with no days off.

"After Every Workout I Feel As If I Can Move Mountains"

"After Every Workout I Feel As If I Can Move Mountains"
ICEF student team ICE FC finished second in the HSE Football Cup fall season. Here’s Artem Smirnov (Y3), who scored game-winning goal, about his impressions of the game, the things that playing sports can teach us, and how history and literature can help solve economic problems.

ICEF-CInSt Conference is a Venue for International Research Networking

ICEF-CInSt Conference is a Venue for International Research Networking
On 24-25 November 2023 the International Laboratory of Financial Economics (HSE ICEF LFE) and the Centre for Institutional Studies (HSE CInSt) hosted the 12th ICEF-CInSt International Moscow Finance Conference.

”Our Conference Aims to Strengthen the HSE’s Reputation as a Global Finance Research Centre”

”Our Conference Aims to Strengthen the HSE’s Reputation as a Global Finance Research Centre”
The International Moscow Finance Conference will open its doors for the twelfth time on 24 and 25 November 2023. We talked with conference organizers Vladimir Sokolov of HSE ICEF International Laboratory of Financial Economics and Maria Semenova of HSE Centre for Institutional Studies and asked about the keynote presentations, speakers, and how this Conference facilitates cooperation and co-authorships.