Research & Expertise
On September 12 the Third ICEF Conference on Applied Economics on COVID-19 was held online. Experts from Europe and the USA presented their latest research, made some social-economic forecasts and revealed issues, that different countries will face in a short-run perspective. Below read about some of the conclusions and predictions that researchers have made.
How to understand the economy, post-COVID growth, AI vs. humans
A virtual panel discussion was held at ICEF on June 3rd to discuss the economic consequences and policy responses to Covid-19 with economic experts from academia, central banks and commercial banks, based in Russia, UK, and Austria.
The Russian National Award in Applied Economics is given once every two years for outstanding published papers on the Russian economy at the country, industry, regional, or company level.
ICEF Associate Professor of Finance Udara Peiris will talk about the upcoming financial problems on the Brown Bag Seminar on April 15th
Such a sudden and severe crisis as we have now can not only reset the economic activity to zero, but also offer many opportunities in the future. It is important to predict the trends, but this is not always easy. The World is changing very fast and it means not only losses, but also great opportunities for those who can fulfill their ideas in time and respond to consumer needs. An expert and a businessman talk about their positive experience from the sanctions, the regeneration of hippy culture, and how private investments can save the Russian economy.
ICEF Associate Professor Udara Peiris gives comments to
ICEF held a round table on Global Economy Challenges in 2020. Mr Thanassis Gontikas, Senior Vice-President of Edmond de Rothschild Bank (EdR) in Switzerland, was invited as a speaker.