International College of Economics and Finance


Research Seminar by Amanda Jakobsson (Singapore Management University)

On Thursday, November 27 at 4.40 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF held the Research Seminar.
Speaker: Amanda Jakobsson (Singapore Management University)
Theme: "Export-Learning and FDI with Heterogeneous Firms"

Paper of R. Zakharenko in the Journal of International Economics

Paper of U. Peiris in the Journal of Mathematical Economics

Research Seminar by Mihail Zervos (LSE)

On Thursday, November 13 at 4.40 pm, room 3211  (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF held the Research Seminar.
Speaker: Mihail Zervos (LSE)
Theme: "Optimal Execution with Multiplicative Price Impact"

LFE Workshop in Financial Economics

Congratulations to Victoria Dobrynskaya on defending her PhD thesis!

University of London offers 2 funded places at LSE Summer School to ICEF students next year

Congratulations to Vassiliy Kosov on receiving scholarship from London School of Economics!

Sergey Yakovlev presents at 'Joint Education Programmes’ conference

ICEF / LFE Research Seminar by Alex Stomper (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

On Thursday, October 16 at 3.00 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF and LFE will hold the Research Seminar.
Speaker: Alex Stomper (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Theme: "A “de Soto Effect” in Industry? Evidence from the Russian Federation"