Short course on Public Speaking
On Feb 10 and Feb 17 a mini course on Public Speaking was delivered by professor Kosmas Marinakis. The course, which consisted of 2 lectures, focused on presenting effectively in front of the audience, structuring the talk, preparing slides, delivering a confident speech, handling interaction with the audience and overcoming stage fear.
The course was well-attended by the ICEF and Economic Department students.
“It was helpful and interesting”
“The lectures are absolutely perfect”
“I hope to become such a great speaker as you are”
“Best presentation ever”
“I would definitely like more lectures of this kind organized at ICEF throughout the year”
“The Professor did a very good job”
“It really helped to understand a better way of presenting research papers”
“It was amazing”
“The course was delivered in a professional way; it was always clear and easy to understand. I will try to follow the advice given to us”
“I once found myself in a ‘jerk’ situation…. Now I know how to deal with it”.
(student’s comments)