International College of Economics and Finance

Tag "short-term programmes"

ICEF, Oxford, Yale: ICEF graduate speaks about his education in 3 universities

ICEF, Oxford, Yale: ICEF graduate speaks about his education in 3 universities
Dmitry Aksakov completed the ICEF BSc programme in 2008, then entered MSc programme at the University of Oxford and, after having worked at Deutsche Bank, studied for an MBA at Yale University. Now he is Vice-president at the VEB Development Corporation

'To see the subject through students’ eyes – that can be called teacher’s success'

'To see the subject through students’ eyes – that can be called teacher’s success'
Mikhail Zhitlukhin has been working at ICEF since 2014, when the students chose him as one of the best lecturers. Now Mikhail Zhitlukhin is considered one of the best lecturers in Zoom, according to the survey conducted concerning online education in Spring 2020. Moreover, he has published four papers this year. In his interview he told us why the quality of the material is more important than technical issues and how to make statistics really interesting.

“Gett inspires me by the feeling of power – this is really my sphere!”

“Gett inspires me by the feeling of power – this is really my sphere!”
Dan Lifshits, ICEF BSc graduate (2014), started his career at the age of 18. At 22 he became the youngest аssociate of McKinsey in Europe ever, and now he is one of the top managers in Gett – a global technology platform. Dan told us how to change the consulting sphere to technologies and about his life and work in Gett.

ICEF met chinese applicants

ICEF met chinese applicants

HSE Chinese applicants attended HSE Global Scholarship Competition hosted in Beijing, and the most interesting field for local students was Mathematics.

From Istanbul Bilgi University to ICEF HSE, Students Share Their Experiences

For Yiğit Tahmisoğlu, Süleyman Saltoğlu and Ekimhan Can – students from Istanbul Bilgi University – the opportunity to study in the HSE and University of London Double Degree Bachelor’s Programme in Economics has meant facing a number of challenges while simultaneously benefiting greatly from what the programme has to offer.
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