International College of Economics and Finance

Tag "Reporting an event"

ICEF/FES Job Market Seminar by Anton Sobolev (University of Vienna)

ICEF Assistant Professor Kosmas Marinakis made an on-line Coursera course

ICEF/FES Job Market Seminar by Alexey Filatov (Autònoma de Barcelona)

ICEF Job Market Seminar by Sergey Zhuk (Princeton)

ICEF/FES Job Market Seminar by Konstantin Egorov (Penn State)

ICEF Job Market Seminar by Steven Kivinen (Queen's University)

On Monday, February 5 at 16.40, room 3211 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF held Job Market Seminar.
Speaker: Steven Kivinen (Queen's University)
Theme: "Robust Group Strategy-Proofness" совместно с Norovsambuu Tumennasan

ICEF/FES Job Market Seminar by Vitalijs Jascisens (TSE)

On Thursday, January 25 at 12.10, room 3211 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF and FES held Job Market Seminar.
Speaker: Vitalijs Jascisens (TSE)
Theme: "Can Entry Mitigate the Effect of Inflated Reserve Prices in Public Procurement"

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar by Sergey Tsyplakov (Darla Moore School of Business)

On Tuesday, January 23 at 4.40 pm, room 3402 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF and LFE held the Research Seminar in Finance.
Speaker: Sergey Tsyplakov (Darla Moore School of Business)
Theme: "Bank Bailouts, Bail-ins, or Bankruptcy? A Dynamic Model and Empirical Tests of Optimal Regulatory Design" joint with Allen N. Berger, Charles P. Himmelberg, and Raluca A. Roman.

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar by Nadya Malenko (Boston College)

On Thursday, December 21 at 4.40 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF held the Research Seminar.
Speaker: Nadya Malenko (Boston College)
Theme: "Proxy advisory firms: The economics of selling information to voters" joint with Andrey Malenko

ICEF/FES Job Market Seminar by Olga Obizhava (LSE)

On Friday, December 15 at 4.00 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF and FES held the Job Market Seminar.
Speaker: Olga Obizhava (LSE)
Theme: "Fundraising in the Hedge Fund Industry"