International College of Economics and Finance

Tag "achievements"

ICEF Master’s Alum Vahe Ovasapyan Ranks Second in TOP 250 Top Executive Rating/ Financial Sector

ICEF Master’s Alum Vahe Ovasapyan Ranks Second in TOP 250 Top Executive Rating/ Financial Sector

Oleg Zamkov Receives Outstanding Service Award from HSE Leaders

Oleg Zamkov
The recent meeting of HSE Academic Council, held in-person on the 21st June, witnessed the official ceremony of presenting badges of honour and, for the first time in HSE’s history, HSE Distinguished Service Medals. Among the recipients of the Badge of Honour (Second Class) was Oleg Zamkov, ICEF BSc Programme Academic Supervisor.

“I’m Incredibly Excited to Be Part of HSE Alumni Community at MIT”

Gleb Kudryashov
Gleb Kudryashov is in his fourth year of undergraduate study and one of the top students in ICEF’s International Programme in Economics and Finance. Gleb holds prize from last year’s Econometrics Universiade and this year he received acceptance letter from MIT (USA). Here’s why Gleb chose study over work, how he discovered his best-fit master’s in finance, and why he believes conversing with the Nobel laureates can be life-changing.

Econometrics Universiade Celebrates Success of ICEF Students

ICEF students joined Econometrics Universiade-2023
The Econometrics Universiade-2023 has announced its results. This year the contest resumed in-person operation after having been held online for three years, and was marked by the exceptional performance of the ICEF students, its winners.

ICEF Students Replicate Success in Econometrics Universiade

ICEF Students Replicate Success in Econometrics Universiade
The Econometrics Universiade 2023 has summed up the results of its first stage. Among those who have successfully completed it are many ICEF students, as usual. Twenty-six of them are 3- and 4-year undergraduates and have scored more than half of the points required to proceed to final stage, the latter scheduled for April 8 and will, for the first time since 2019, be held in-person. Since this year, Econometrics Universiade classifies as competition on the Lomonosov list.