International College of Economics and Finance

ICEF Master’s Alum Vahe Ovasapyan Ranks Second in TOP 250 Top Executive Rating/ Financial Sector

ICEF Master’s Alum Vahe Ovasapyan Ranks Second in TOP 250 Top Executive Rating/ Financial Sector

Vahe Ovasapyan, who graduated from ICEF with a master’s and currently serves as CEO at Ozon Fintech, ranks second in the annually published TOP 1000 Russian Managers rating in category “TOP 250 Top Executives – Financial Sector”.

Vahe Ovasapyan earned his Master’s in Financial Economics from ICEF in 2012. His career started at Goldman Sachs, one of the world’s largest investment banks, where he served quite a number of years before joining Yandex’s Experimental Projects team as manager. Vahe currently hold the post of CEO at Ozon Fintech.

Congratulations on your well-deserved success, Vahe! Best of luck with everything that lies ahead.