International College of Economics and Finance

ICEF Students Replicate Success in Econometrics Universiade

ICEF Students Replicate Success in Econometrics Universiade

The Econometrics Universiade 2023 has summed up the results of its first stage. Among those who have successfully completed it are many ICEF students, as usual. Twenty-six of them are 3- and 4-year undergraduates and have scored more than half of the points required to proceed to final stage, the latter scheduled for April 8 and will, for the first time since 2019, be held in-person. Since this year, Econometrics Universiade classifies as competition on the Lomonosov list.

ICEF students have been frequent winners in the Econometrics Universiade since its start in 2012, competing as individual contestants and as part of teams.

Econometrics Universiade attracts the undergraduates of the best universities in Moscow and not only. It is held among third- and fourth-year students and has given many of its top places to ICEF third-years pursuing International Programme in Economics and Finance. The contest grants its winners fast-track admission to some of the best master’s programmes in the country.

Alongside students of ICEF and Moscow State University Faculty of Economics, the latter being the contest’s host, the first stage winners include twelve third- and fourth-years of HSE Faculty of Economics Sciences and HSE Nizhny Novgorod; three RANEPA students; one MEPhI student; one Financial University student; and one of St. Petersburg State University, Perm State University and Novosibirsk State University.

Congratulations and good luck in the final!