International College of Economics and Finance


The results of the main competition for the Oxford scholarship (2012/2013 academic year)

Dear ICEF students!
Congratulations on your victory in the main competition for the Oxford scholarship, granted by the Oxford Russia Fund (ORF)!

New achievements of ICEF students

In 2012 15 ICEF students got the top scores at the University of London International Programme exams. In addition, 17 students were awarded special Prizes and Letters of Commendation for the best academic achievement at the University of London International Programme.

Visit of LSE professor to ICEF

12-19 November 2012 professor Jack Favilukis from the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) visited ICEF and delivered a series of lectures on Asset pricing for ICEF MSc students.

II International Moscow Finance Conference

November 9-10, 2012 the Higher School of Economics (HSE) hosted the Second International Moscow Finance Conference, organized by the International Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE) and ICEF.

Visit of LSE Professor to ICEF

Last week Professor Mihail Zervos from the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) visited ICEF and delivered a series of lectures on Stochastic Analysis for MSc ICEF students.

LSE Economics Annual Review Report

The LSE Economics Annual Review for 2011-12 is now available online. The first publication of its type produced by the Economics Department of the LSE, the Review contains information about ICEF activities of the past year >>

Prof. R.Jackman's Honorary Award of the HSE

Professor Richard Jackman has been presented with a medal in recognition of his contribution to the development of ICEF >>

A Special ICEF Jubilee Graduation

On the 25th of September ICEF held its graduation ceremony and a reception for alumni at the residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow >>

What will Capitalism in the 21st Century be Like?

September 24, 2012 professor Craig Calhoun delivered a public lecture at ICEF on «Social and Political Challenges Facing Global Capitalism».

ICEF MSc students at Essex Business School

ICEF continues to successfully implement student exchange programme with the Essex Business School of the University of Essex in the UK >>