International College of Economics and Finance

Prof. R.Jackman's Honorary Award of the HSE

Professor Richard Jackman has been presented with a medal in recognition of his contribution to the development of ICEF >>

Professor Richard Jackman has been presented with a medal in recognition of his contribution to the development of the International College of Economics and Finance ICEF in Moscow. By this award, the Rector of the Higher School of Economics Professor Kuzminov (pictured) personally honored Professor’s Jackman’s long standing work and involvement over the past 15 years in the ICEF project, which was established in 1997 in partnership with the London School of Economics. Professor Kuzminov said in his address that ‘Richard Jackman is the first foreigner to receive this award, the Honorary Award of the HSE, and he fully deserves this honour’.

The award was given at the ICEF Graduation Ceremony held at the Residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow on Tuesday 25 September, in the presence of the British Ambassador to Russia and LSE Director Professor Craig Calhoun.