International College of Economics and Finance

Tag "professors"

Paper of Fabian Slonimczyk and Anna Yurko has been awarded the Yegor Gaidar prize

Graduation Ceremony of the UoL international programmes - S. M. Yakovlev's awarding

In honour of Lord Richard Layard's anniversary!

In September Lord Richard Layard, the ICEF co-founder and Emeritus Professor of LSE, made a speech at the ICEF Graduation Ceremony 2014 which took place in the Moscow Residence of British Ambassador. This year Richard had his 80th Anniversary and the 50th Anniversary of his career at the LSE. In honour of this we publish here some abstracts from his speech.

Congratulations to Alexey Parakhonyak on his sports achievements!

Congratulations to Victoria Dobrynskaya on defending her PhD thesis!

Sergey Yakovlev presents at 'Joint Education Programmes’ conference

ICEF Teaching Day

Congratulations to Alexey Boulatov on the promotion to the rank of “ordinarniy” professor!

Congratulations to Anna Yurko and Alexey Parakhonyak on their promotion to the rank of tenured professors!

Congratulations to Marie-Ann Betschinger on prize winning!