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Международный институт экономики и финансов

Публикации в ведущих международных реферируемых журналах в 2020


1. “On non-monotonic strategic reasoning”

Games and Economic Behavior. 2020. No. 120. P. 209-224. 
Emiliano Catonini

2. “Weak belief and permissibility”

Games and Economic Behavior. 2020. No. 120. P. 154-179. 
Emiliano Catonini, De Vito N. 

3. “Self-enforcing agreements and forward induction reasoning”

Review of Economic Studies (in print)
Emiliano Catonini

4. “Biased performance evaluation in a model of career concerns: incentives versus ex-post optimality”

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 179, November 2020, Pages 589-607
Sergey Stepanov

5. “The Ambiguity of Earnings Announcements”

Management Science (in print)
Sofya Budanova, Cianciaruso D., Marinovic I. 

6. “Security design with status concerns”

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2020. No. 118
Dmitry Makarov

7. “The merits of privileged parking”

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 2020. Vol. 140. P. 193-209. 
Roman Zakharenko

8. “Traffic Priority Mechanisms”

Transportation Science. 2020. Vol. 54. No. 5. P. 1211-1224. 
Roman Zakharenko

9. “Optimal Compulsion for Private Assembly of Property”

Regional Science and Urban Economics (in print)
Roman Zakharenko