
Daniil Esaulov enrolled in ICEF Master of Financial Economics Programme after having earned a degree from MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. After successful completion of the program in 2012, Daniil chose to pursue an academic career and returned to ICEF as a lecturer in Finance and Mathematics and a coordinator of students’ research work. During the ICEF Open Days, held past March, Daniil gave tips on how to succeed in preparing yourself for studies at ICEF.
ICEF offers several scholarships that allow international students to cover part of their tuition fees in the ICEF Master’s programme in Financial Economics.
Master’s programme in Financial Economics of HSE’s International College of Economics and Finance is taught entirely in English and strives to attract applicants who are interested in macro and microeconomics, corporate finance, and econometrics. Maxim Nikitin, the head of the programme has talked to HSE News Service about the programme.
Maxim Nikitin, HSE Professor and Academic Supervisor of the ICEF Masters Programme in Financial Economics, tells us about the programme’s achievements and innovations, about its intake procedure in 2015, and about the 2014 and 2015 graduates.
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