International College of Economics and Finance

Tag "conferences & seminars"

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar by Bradyn Breon-Drish (UCSD)

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar by Joel Peress (INSEAD)

The First ICEF Conference in Applied Economics

ICEF Research Seminar by Balazs Szentes (LSE)

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar by Gustavo Manso (Haas School of Business)

Workshop series of the Laboratory of Financial Economics

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar by Philippe Mueller (University of Warwick)

ICEF Research Seminar by Frederic Vermeulen (KU Leuven)

ICEF Research Seminar by Marek Weretka (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

On Thursday, May 31 at 4.40 pm, room 3402 (Shabolovka str. 26) ICEF held the Research Seminar.
Speaker: Marek Weretka (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Theme: "Quasilinear approximations"

Workshop series of the Laboratory of Financial Economics