Tag "alumni"

After Maria Titova completed her master’s studies at ICEF in 2015, she enrolled in a PhD programme at the University of California, San Diego. The current year of her studies has been marked by finalizing her major research paper that will help integrate Maria into the academia as a highly promising expert. In this interview, Maria talks about the dissimilarities between PhD training systems in the USA and Europe, why lecturing American students appears easy, and what Job Market Paper is worth on the job market.

Vahe Ovasapyan earned his master’s degree from ICEF in 2012. After years of service at Goldman Sachs, one of the world’s largest investment banks, Vahe is currently head of experimental projects at Yandex. In this interview, he shares why it is important to pay heed to small details and what qualities separate good leaders from bad ones.

In 2019 6 ICEF graduates have already entered PhD programmes of world’s leading universities.
Daniil Esaulov enrolled in ICEF Master of Financial Economics Programme after having earned a degree from MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. After successful completion of the program in 2012, Daniil chose to pursue an academic career and returned to ICEF as a lecturer in Finance and Mathematics and a coordinator of students’ research work. During the ICEF Open Days, held past March, Daniil gave tips on how to succeed in preparing yourself for studies at ICEF.
The results are in for the Competition of the Best Thesis Projects, held by the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy for the graduates of economics faculties.
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