International College of Economics and Finance

For future students

Maria Silkina: ICEF Is About Challenge, Demanding Study, and Enriching Communication

Maria Silkina: ICEF Is About Challenge, Demanding Study, and Enriching Communication
Meet Maria Silkina, a second-year master’s student and number one in ICEF student rating who successfully combines her student experience with a job on Moscow Exchange Derivatives Market and sports.

"Previous Background is What Matters Least”: ICEF Open Day Welcomes Prospective Master’s Students

"Previous Background is What Matters Least”: ICEF Open Day Welcomes Prospective Master’s Students
At MSc Financial Economics Open Day, prospective applicants were able to learn more about how the programme sets itself apart from its counterparts, how to enroll, and what level of math and language training it expects from applicants. Invited to speak were also programme graduates. They spoke about things that help kick-start careers in banking and consulting.

Who Teaches English at ICEF

Who Teaches English at ICEF
Using English as a language for studying Economics and Finance, communicating with teachers and peers from across the world, reading advanced research and discussing with global industry specialists – this and other advantages are available to ICEF students thanks to the high-quality English language teaching. How is it being delivered? Watch this video to find out.

Online Consultations for Applicants

Online Consultations for Applicants
You can ask all your questions about admission, learning and career opportunities on the online consultations for ICEF applicants.

'You Don't Have to Get a Degree in London to Get a Job There. HSE Diplomas and LSE Certificates Enjoy Long-Distance Credibility'

'You Don't Have to Get a Degree in London to Get a Job There. HSE Diplomas and LSE Certificates Enjoy Long-Distance Credibility'
This year the ICEF not only moved to the new HSE campus complex on Pokrovsky Boulevard, but updated its curriculum and added new courses in IT. We talked to Maxim Nikitin, Academic Director of the ICEF Master's Programme in Financial Economics, to find out what sets the programme apart from its competitors, what helps students land jobs in London, who ICEF faculty partners are on the employment market, and where lies the secret of ICEF graduates’ mathematical power.