ICEF Graduate Appointed Morgan Stanley Vice-President
In May 2023, Anfisa Loboyko, who earned her bachelor’s from ICEF, assumed the post of Vice President – M&T Investment Banking at Morgan Stanley (London). During her study at ICEF, Anfisa won the Silver Nestling scholarship and received the University of London award for outstanding academic achievement.
Anfisa Loboiko earned her bachelor’s from ICEF in 2013 and her master’s from the London School of Economics in 2014. She started out as an investment analyst and has propelled her career to the position of Credit Suisse Vice President, in which she served until 2023. This past May, Anfisa assumed the post of a Vice President at Morgan Stanley, one of London’s largest banks. “A leadership position implies hard work. You need to be able to inspire people to follow you and make it feel like they’re doing it out of their own will,” Anfisa said in an interview.
We wish Anfisa every success in her new role!
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