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Серия научных семинаров МИЭФ с участием Antonio Penta (UPF)

В четверг, 31 октября состоялась серия научных семинаров МИЭФ.

Серия научных семинаров МИЭФ с участием Antonio Penta (UPF)

С докладами на семинаре выступили:

Стивен Кивинен (МИЭФ, ВШЭ). Тема доклада: "Robust Group Strategy-Proofness"

Татьяна Майская (МИЭФ и ФЭН, ВШЭ). Тема доклада: "Privacy Protection: When Does Hiding in Plain Sight Work?" совместно с Arina Nikandrova

Эмилиано Катонини (МИЭФ, ВШЭ). Тема доклада: "Disagreement under almost common knowledge of rationality" совместно с Tatiana Mayskaya

Antonio Penta (UPF) - приглашенный исследователь: 

Тема доклада: "Implementation via Transfers: Identical but Unknown Distributions" совместно с Mariann Ollár

Тезисы доклада: We consider mechanism design environments in which agents commonly know that types are identically distributed across agents, but without assuming that the actual distribution is common knowledge, nor that it is known to the designer (common knowledge of identicality). Under these assumptions, we explore problems of partial and full implementation, as well as robustness. First, we characterize the transfers which are incentive compatible under the assumption of common knowledge of identicality, and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for partial implementation. Second, conditions under which full implementation is possible via direct mechanisms, as well as the transfer schemes which achieve full implementation whenever it is possible. Finally, we study the robustness properties of the implementing transfers with respect to misspecifications of agents’ preferences and with respect to lower orders beliefs in rationality.

Семинары МИЭФ


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