International College of Economics and Finance

Publications in 2009

Research papers and articles of ICEF faculty members are regularly published in reputable Russian and international academic journals. ICEF also has its Working Paper Series “Research in economics and finance”, aimed at dissemination of research output produced by ICEF faculty members.

Key publications in 2009

2011  2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

"Markov-switching in target stocks during takeover bids" 

Journal of Empirical Finance, December 2009, v. 16, № 5, pp. 745-758
Sergey Gelman and Bernd Wilfling (University of Muenster)

"Trade Blocs" and "Trade Pacts"
Geoffrey Golson & Charles Wankel (eds.), Business in Today's World, Beverly Hills: Sage Publishing, 2009,
Betschinger Marie-Ann

"How the Distribution of Income Affects the Distribution of Vehicle Vintages"
MPRA working paper available at
Yurko Anna 

"Article about Paul Krugman" 
HSE Economic Journal, vol.13 (2009), № 1
Zakharenko Roman

"Causes and Lessons of the Past Economic Crises in the US: Great Depression of the 1930s and Recession of the 1970s"
Journal: Economicheskaya Politika, 2009. № 6. pp. 42-58
Sokolov Vladimir

"On the conference Rationality, Behaviour and Experiments"
Voprosy economiky №9 2009
Belianin Alexey, E.Shilkina

"Reference article on the book by V.Smith"
Voprosy economiky №9, 2009
Belianin Alexey

"Economic Crises in the US: Great Depression of the 1930s and Recession of the 1970s"
World Financial Crisis: Historic Parallels and Ways Out, eds. E. Gaidar, V. Mau, Moscow: Alpina Publishers, 2009, December
Sokolov Vladimir

ICEF Working Papers

"The Choice of Ownership Structure: Evidence from Russian Mass Privatization"
WP9/2009/02. – Moscow: Publishing house of SU HSE, 2009. – 64 с.
Carsten Sprenger

"Bank Spreads and Business Cycles"
WP9/2009/01. – Moscow: Publishing house of SU-HSE, 2009. – 44 с.
Maxim Nikitin, R. Todd Smith