International College of Economics and Finance

Publications in 2011


20102009200820072006 2005

"The Housing Market and Housing Finance in Russia and Its Regions – A Quantitative Analysis"

Global Housing, Real Estate, and Finance. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Carsten Sprenger, Branco Urosevic (University of Belgrade)

"Collusion and Price Leadership"
International Journal of Industrial Organization 29 (6), pp. 705-717. 2011
Igor Mouraviev, P.Rey

"The Choice of Ownership Structure: Evidence from Russian Mass Privatization"

Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 39, № 2, Pages 260–277, June 2011
Carsten Sprenger 

"How does income inequality affect market outcomes in vertically differentiated markets?"

International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 29, № 4, Pages 493-503, 2011
Anna Yurko

"Linkages between Exchange Rate Policy and Macroeconomic Performance"
Pacific Economic Review,  Vol. 16, № 4, Pages 395-420, October 2011
Vladimir SokolovMark NelsonByung-Joo Lee

"Differential Migration Prospects, Skill Formation, and Welfare"

Discussion Papers 119111, December 2011
Roman Zakharenko, Oded Stark (University of Bonn)

ICEF Working Papers

"From Consumer Incomes to Car Ages: How the Distribution of Income Affects the Distribution of Vehicle Vintages"

WP9/2011/01. – Moscow: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2011. – 52 p.
Anna Yurko