ICEF Students Recognized by University of London as World Class
On March 26, the University of London EMFSS programmes, academically directed by LSE hosted their first online award ceremony. Of the 245 students commended and awarded for their performance in the 2019-20 Examinations, 60 students are from ICEF.
The EMFSS Programmes are taught to learners in more than 150 countries allowing students to study locally, whilst pursuing a global degree. Each year, the EMFSS team at LSE take the opportunity to recognize the best academic achievements of its students – in the form of Academic Achievement Awards or Letters of Commendation. This year’s award ceremony celebrated the achievements of sixty ICEF students. Nine of them have received Academic Achievement Awards and fifty-one Letters of Commendation. Twenty-eight ICEF students were commended as Toppers/Special Toppers, meaning their exam marks were the highest around the world. In this category, ICEF students are ranking high as well.
The award ceremony was opened by Dr. Francesco Nava, Academic Director of the EMFSS Programmes, and Elizabeth Aitken, Director of LSE Extended Education. They noted that the University of London students “know how to approach uncertainty, they know how to navigate their way around, they know where to challenge and where to reflect.” Professor Paul Kelly, Dean of the EMFSS Programmes and a Professor in LSE’s Department of Government, described the programme as “a long-established, globally recognized international programme. It’s an investment that genuinely pays off.”
The EMFSS programme is a world leader in its field. Studying for a UoL degree, you’ll join a global fellowship of graduates and achieve a qualification of the highest quality, recognized throughout the world by employers and by institutions of advanced and graduate study.
Professor Paul Kelly, Dean of EMFSS Programmes at LSE
This has been a unique year, and I know it has taken determination and patience for you to get to where you are now… LSE faculty have worked to provide the structure for your programmes and maintained the standards of your degrees so they are of comparable quality to world-class institutions of higher education. So, if you have found the exams challenging… that’s because LSE faculty assess the EMFSS programmes to the same standards as we apply to our own degrees. Considering your results, I hope you will see the value in the future. We rely on the high standards of our colleagues in the teaching centres to enhance the learning experience and to add value. We at LSE and the University of London greatly appreciate the learning partnerships established between our respective institutions.
To express their gratitude to the programme, the recipients of Academic Achievement Awards at ICEF – Albert Belkov, Kamila Shafigullina and Alina Bondarovich – sent their thank you videos where they shared their intention to do their best in the future. The list of Academic Achievement Award recipients includes Ildar Dzhulamanov, Christian Redin, Maxim Sayenko, Maxim Litvinkov, Anastasia Belugina and Artemiy Kozhemyakin. Congratulations were extended also to the recipients of Letters of Commendation, who, in turn, shared their appreciation for the high standard of education.