Visit of UoL and LSE representatives to ICEF
This year ICEF welcomed Professor Wendy Thomson, UoL Vice-Chancellor; Dr. Mary Stiasny, UoL Pro Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the UoL Worldwide; Professor David Webb, LSE Pro-Director, well known reseacher and former Head of LSE Department of Finance; as well as LSE.ICEF Project Dean Dr. Jörn Rothe; LSE.ICEF Academic Coordinator Professor Kevin Sheedy; LSE.ICEF Academic Advisor Dr. Georgy Chabakauri, and a new project administrator Consolata Amode.
LSE and UoL representatives took part in ICEF Graduation Ceremony, Welcome Ceremony for ICEF Students entering UoL programme, and The Second ICEF Conference in Applied Economics.
Moreover, the meeting of International Academic Committee (IAC) took place, where colleagues discussed key matters of ICEF educational programmes’ implementation and College’s academic life. A new format of ICEF, LSE and Uol interaction was introduced in a form of a joint Round table where ICEF Director presented history of College. Some strategic directions of ICEF’s development were also discussed.
Photos: Pavel Ososov