Workshop series of the Laboratory of Financial Economics
On May 22 and 29 International Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE) held the Annual Summer Workshop series.
Significant researchers from the London School of Economics (LSE) and University of Oxford – Professors Igor Makarov and Oren Sussman were invited to participate.They presented their latest research and discussed the LFE researchers’ work.
- Igor Makarov (LSE): "Trading and Arbitrage in Cryptocurrency Markets"
- Oren Sussman (University of Oxford, Saïd Business School): "Marketplace Lending, Information Aggregation, and Liquidity "
- Vincent Fardeau (ICEF, HSE): "Dynamic Strategic Trading around Anticipated Demand / Supply Shocks"
- Luca Gelsomini (ICEF, HSE): "Dynamic Trading and the Voluntary Disclosure of Information"
- Arkaja Chakraverty (ICEF, HSE): "Labor mobility and corporate innovation"
- Emiliano Catonini (ICEF, HSE): "Self-enforcing agreements and forward induction reasoning"
- Sergey Stepanov (ICEF/FES, HSE):"Independent versus Collective Expertise"
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